Tuesday 27 December 2011

Mission Satement

Alex’s new magazine Music Beats is a music magazine of the genre of punk.  Music Beats will combine off new artists, intriguing insights on the artists behind the music.  We will also give reviews of our thoughts within.

Music Beats is mainly aimed at males ranging from the ages 16-26, but giving some insight into female upcoming artists to add some female interest to the magazine.  Music Beats readers are enlightened, informed and have a good sense of humour about the 20th century.

Music Beats contains all the elements that are needed in a male’s life today, including clothing, music sights, music equipment and games.  Music Beats is an up to date music magazine which is dedicated to the music.

Music Beats will neither patronise nor preach.  It will not shrink from highlighting hypocrisy or celebrating success when it is due.

Music Beats role to its readers is to entertain, inform and bring out their love for punk music.