Sunday 6 May 2012

audience survey results


1.      What do you associate with the name (masthead) of the magazine? 

A: I associate the name of the magazine to a music magazine

2.       What does the main image on the front cover  

   make you think of?

A: Musical winter fun in a magazine

3.       Which of the cover stories do you think is  

   most interesting?

   A: New Christmas hit from forgotten dreams

4.       Is the front cover appealing?

A: Yes

Give a reason for your answer:

It is appealing due to its bold titles and main image

5.       Which of the following age groups do you think the  

   magazine appeals to?

·        12-15 year olds

·        16-18 year olds ­_/

·        19-24 year olds ­_/

·        25-35 year olds

·        36+

6.       Which gender do you think the magazine is targeting?

·        Male

·        Female

·        Male and female _/

  7. Which genre of music do you associate with the cover 

    of the magazine?

·        Pop

·        Rock _/

·        Dance

·        Rap

·        Indie

·        Other ……………………………(please state)


  1. Is the layout of the contents page clear and easy to use?

A: Yes

  9. Is the contents page attractive to look at?

A: Yes

10. Does the contents page resemble a page from a     music magazine?

A: Yes


11. Is the content of the article of interest to you?     

    Please give a reason.

  A: Yes, because I like to know the background story of how the came together

12. Does the headline want you want to read this article?

    A: Yes

13. Does the main picture represent the content of the            

    article successfully?

    A: Yes

14. How would you rate the layout of the article? Please            

    pick a number.


    A: 4

15. Would you buy the magazine for the cover price?

    A: Yes

16. How would you rate the overall quality of the front cover, contents page and double page spread? Please pick a number:


       A: 4

Thursday 3 May 2012

Evaluation questions 2-7

22. My magazine represents the targeted audience of young people in the punk scene by the use of various conventions and themes that are within my magazine.  An example is the colours I have chosen and the images.  The colours that I have used are mostly black and red.  I have chosen these colours because I feel it represents the audience that I have targeted as both males and females who like punk music like to wear black clothing, but not to much of it as that is why I added the colour red as well because they are not all about wearing everything black they do have other colour choices.  I think it was important that I used the colour red as if I had just used the colour black maybe being would have thought my target audience was gothic or maybe emo.  After I added the colour red it now looks more like a punk/rock magazine which is what my aim was.

3. The media institutions that might distribute my product would be frontline.  Frontline is a distributor whose job it is to get the magazines to the shops. They are the biggest magazine distributor in the UK and get the magazines sent to 55,000 shops.  If Bauer were going to be my publisher they would be distributed by frontline and in this case I would be having the biggest magazine distributor in the UK putting my magazine on the market.

How frontline work
Publisher – Distributor – Wholesaler – Retailer - Consumer

4. Target Audience
·        Age 17-25, at the stage of their life where music becomes a big part of their life, they can start relating to the lyrics
·        80% male, 20% female
·        They enjoy going to gigs, concerts and most importantly festivals
·        Use other media products, especially the internet
·        Usually are able to play at lest one musical item e.g. bass, drums or guitar.
·        Like to stand out from the crowd
·        Usually are confident, friendly and funny

  5. My main attraction to my audience was use of colours on my masthead and my main image on the front of the magazine.  My masthead was made of the colours red and black which when used together attract the human eye.  Another good thing is that the black and red stand out from each other so the audience is attracted by two different colours.  The font I used for my masthead was also important as it was very bold and large and would have been one of the first things the reader would have seen.  Another attraction was without doubt my main image.  The reasons for this is due to how I achieved the look of the image and how I got it to stand out from the rest of the other information on the page and draw the reader in to one thing.

6. The technologies that I learned about and used are the following:
  1. Adobe-in-design- This is the programme I used to create the layout and main bulk of my front cover, article and contents page.  I used different tools to change the size and colour of my writing on my front cover.  I also used layer which allowed me to put pictures over each other.
  2. Blogger- This is the website I used to upload all of work onto, once I had finished it.  It is a useful website as all my work is safe on there and whilst the work is on there I can still edit it if I feel it isn’t good enough.
  3. Internet- I used the internet to do research about my chosen genre at looked at other magazine online.  I looked at popular magazines such as Q to try and get some ideas from it.
  4. Picnik- This is a website I used to edit some of my photos.  It allowed me to crop, change the colour of image, and brighten your image and many more.  This was a useful site because it helped me achieve the potential out of my main image.
  5. School camera- I used the school camera which is 10 mega pixels for all of my pictures which appear in my magazine, where were taken mostly in the school grounds or at my house.

7. Looking back at my school magazine I feel I have learned a lot about being specific with the audience I am targeting.  My music magazine targets male and females from the ages 17 to 25 who listen to punk and who enjoy going to music gigs and festivals, whereas my school magazine wasn’t really aimed at anyone in particular, aside the sixth formers but it still wasn’t very specific as it contained stories about sporting success, teachers secrets and reviews of new buildings.  Overall I have learnt that different magazines are aimed at different audiences, whilst some require a specific target audience
School magazine on the left and music magazine on the right

Evaluation, question 1

Monday 20 February 2012

Content page 32


I like this contents page because it stands out very clearly.  The title is a yellow colour with a black background which stands out to the reader.  All the articles are on the right hand side which make it look very neat and tidy and easy for the reader to find what they want.  I also like the idea of the small paragraph from the editor I think if it was any bigger then the reader would not read it.  Also they haven’t got overboard with the amount of photos they have used.

Content page 2

I like this contents page because it contains one big main image in the middle of the contents page.  It doesn’t contain too much writing which I think is important because you might loose the reader’s attention.  One thing I don’t like is the way the title is set out, I think it should be all on one line not separated.  I also like the colour scheme they have used because black and white go well together and they haven’t chosen colour that are in your face. Another thing I like is how they have used a side heading “features” to show the readers what is in the magazine.

Content page 1

I like this contents page because they use a lot of images more than writing.  This is close to what I would like my contents page to look like as I think it attracts the reader more as they don’t have to read through lots of writing.  I also like the title they use “Inside this week” it stands out as it is in bold black letters.  Overall I think this is an affective contents page on helping people where to find what they want as each picture is labelled with a page number.

Saturday 21 January 2012

second draft of music article

Will we ever stop making music? NEVER.  Not unless the whole world wanted us to”

Forgotten Dreams are a punk band from South Wales, Abergavenny.  They started of back in 2000 where they performed at smoke filled pubs and busking in the town centre, and now today we have caught up with them on their tour of the UK “ Impossible is nothing”.  They are a small band only consisting off a drummer, Zack Lowe, a bassist Liam Anderson and guitarist and lead singer James Mackay.  They all attended the same secondary school which was King Henry situated in Abergavenny.  Neither of them decided to go to university as they weren’t that keen on school and just wanted to concentrate on making music.  Their ages range from seventeen to twenty two, James being the oldest and Liam the youngest with Zack ageing twenty years of age.  They all currently live in the same house in their home town Abergavenny, where their parents still live but they are hoping to move out of Abergavenny when they get significant funds from their upcoming tour.     We caught up with Zack an hour before they were meant to go on stage for the first gig of the tour.  Here’s what we asked….

So here we are your first gig of the tour, how do you feel?

Zack-Yeah man I’m feeling great. The boys are really excited just can’t wait to get out there and play some real music to these people, woo!”

You called the tour” Impossible is Nothing” Why is this?

Zack- “Back in 2005 we were told we weren’t going to make it big time, me and the boys were devastated and we stopped making music for six months.  Then one day James rang me up and at in the morning and his exact words were, “Let’s get the band back together and make it big time”.  And then from that day our motto was “impossible is nothing” We felt we could achieve anything, and now look at us!

You are releasing a Christmas single this year, was it for pure fun or are you challenging for that number one spot at Christmas time?

Zack- “Making the single has been real great fun with the guys; it really has got me in the Christmas spirit!  Yeah if we reached the top ten we would be pleased, we mainly made this song so people could get to hear our music!  The tracks called “Jolly Christmas”, buy it on itunes on December 6th!”

How long did it take you to make the Christmas track?

Zack- “Not that long surprisingly!  We had some ideas written down before we went into the studio about how we wanted it to sound, and also we posted on our twitter (which you can follow us at #forgottendreams) and asked our fans to give us some lyrical ideas of their own and we had the odd occasional weird one but the rest were amazing so yeah the fans had a big input into our Christmas song.

What was the funniest lyric you had sent to you?

Zack- “I think the funniest one we had was from a man from Denmark I can’t remember what it exactly said but me and the rest of the band were laughing for days about it, but those moments are one of the reasons why we love getting our fans involved with our music!”

Will you be playing the Christmas song whilst you are doing your tour, if so why?

Zack- “Yeah man!  I think it will be one of the last songs we play but we will definitely play it, what would be great if fake snow would start to fall when we were playing that would be awesome.  We would play it just so our fans could hear it; I personally think it’s a great song so I hope the fans do to!”

Who has been your biggest inspiration?

Zack- “Our biggest inspiration has probably got to be Blink 182.  They are a fantastic bunch of guys who produce amazing music, so yeah all the lads look up to them.  We all hope and pray that one day we will be as big as them.  Another great band that we are really close with is, “Black and Black” they are from England and we met them a couple of years back and we’ve stayed in touch ever since!”

Your set to release your second album in January, how did you feel the first album went?

Zack- “Yeah we are really excited to release our second album which is yet to be named so if you have any ideas tweet us!  Our first album “No sunshine like tomorrow” which was the starting point for us really, it brought us together sort of like a family which was great!

Would you ever stop making music?

Zack- “Would be ever stop making music? Never.  Not unless the whole world wanted us to”

Do you ever think you and Black and Black could tour together?

“Yeah I can’t see why not, they are a great group of lads and I would be more than happy to do a tour with them. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens!”

What are your plans for when the tour finishes?

Zack- “I’m off to Spain for two weeks with the girlfriend, so it’s going to be sun, sea and booze haha!  Then I’ll come back and get into the studio with the boys and see what goes from there.”

Right now we have some questions from your fans, mainly from girls.

Emma- What’s your favourite meal before you go on stage?

“Bangers and mash!  You really can’t beat that stuff.  If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life that would be it!”

Zoe- If you didn’t have a girlfriend would you date me?

“Haha is this girl desperate? No I’m joking. Well Liam is the only one who doesn’t have a girlfriend so I’ll ask him for you!”

Noel- Me and my band are struggling to make new music what do you think we should do?

“ My advice to any band if you’re struggling for new ideas is to take a break from being in the studio give yourself sometime to think outside and then come back in about two to three weeks and see what you’ve come up with, good luck man!”

Well we’ve come to the end of the interview now, just like to say a massive thanks to Zack and wish you and the guys the best of luck for the future and thanks to all the people who sent in questions!  Also Forgotten Dreams are touring the Uk for six weeks so get your tickets and go see this up and coming band and look out for their new Christmas song which is released on 6th December make sure you buy it and tell your friends!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

First Draft of music article

Forgotten Dreams are a punk band from South Wales, Abergavenny.  They started of back in 2000 where they performed at smoke filled pubs and busking in the town centre, and now today we have caught up with them on their tour of the UK “ Impossible is nothing”.  They are a small band only consisting off a drummer, Zack Lowe, a bassist Liam Anderson and guitarist and lead singer James Mackay.  We caught up with Zack an hour before they were meant to go on stage for the first gig of the tour.  Here’s what we asked….

So here we are your first gig of the tour, how do you feel?

Yeah man I’m feeling great, the boys are really excited just can’t wait to get out there and play some real music to these people, woo!”

You called the tour” Impossible is nothing” why is this?

“Back in 2005 we were told we weren’t going to make it big time, me and the boys were devastated and we stopped making music for 6 months.  Then one day James rang me up and at in the morning and is exact words were” Let’s the band back together and make it big time”.  And then from that day our motto was “impossible is nothing” we felt we could achieve anything, and now look at us!

You are releasing a Christmas single this year, was it for pure fun or are you challenging for that number one spot at Christmas time?

“Making the single has been real great fun with the guys, It really has got me in the Christmas spirit!  Yeah if we reached the top ten we would be pleased, we mainly made this song so people could get to year our music!  The tracks called “Jolly Christmas”, buy it on itunes on December 6th!”

Who has been your biggest inspiration?

“Our biggest inspiration has probably got to be Blink 182.  There a fantastic bunch of guys who produce amazing music, so yeah all the lads look up to them.  We all hope and pray that one day we will be as big as them.  Another great band that we are really close with is “Black and Black” their from England and we met them a couple of years back and we’ve stayed in touch ever since!”
Do you ever think you and Black and Black could tour together?

“Yeah I can’t see why not, their a great group of lads and I would be more than welcome to do a tour with them, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens!”

What are your plans for when the tour finishes?

“I’m off to Spain for two weeks with the girlfriend, so it’s going to be sun, sea and booze haha!  Then I’ll come back and get into the studio with the boys and see what goes from there.”

Right now we have some questions from your fans, mainly from girls.

Emma- What’s your favourite meal before you go on stage?

“Bangers and mash!  You really can’t beat that stuff.  If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life that would be it!”

Zoe- If you didn’t have a girlfriend would you date me?

“Haha is this girl desperate? No I’m joking well Liam is the only one who doesn’t have a girlfriend so I’ll ask him for you!”

Noel- Me and my band are struggling to make new music what do you think we should do?

“ My advice to any band if your struggling for new ideas is to take a break from being in the studio give yourself sometime to think outside and then come back in about two to three weeks and see what you’ve come up with, good luck man!”

Well we’ve come to the end of the interview now, just like to say a massive thanks to Zack and wish you and the guys the best of luck for the future and thanks to all the people who sent in questions!