Monday 20 February 2012

Content page 32


I like this contents page because it stands out very clearly.  The title is a yellow colour with a black background which stands out to the reader.  All the articles are on the right hand side which make it look very neat and tidy and easy for the reader to find what they want.  I also like the idea of the small paragraph from the editor I think if it was any bigger then the reader would not read it.  Also they haven’t got overboard with the amount of photos they have used.

Content page 2

I like this contents page because it contains one big main image in the middle of the contents page.  It doesn’t contain too much writing which I think is important because you might loose the reader’s attention.  One thing I don’t like is the way the title is set out, I think it should be all on one line not separated.  I also like the colour scheme they have used because black and white go well together and they haven’t chosen colour that are in your face. Another thing I like is how they have used a side heading “features” to show the readers what is in the magazine.

Content page 1

I like this contents page because they use a lot of images more than writing.  This is close to what I would like my contents page to look like as I think it attracts the reader more as they don’t have to read through lots of writing.  I also like the title they use “Inside this week” it stands out as it is in bold black letters.  Overall I think this is an affective contents page on helping people where to find what they want as each picture is labelled with a page number.