Friday 30 September 2011


  1. What year group are you in?

    • Year 7
    • Year 8
    • Year 9
    • Year 10
    • Year 11
    • Year 12
    • Year 13

  1. Which masthead (title) would you like to see on the magazine?

    • Cool School
    • KHS
    • School news
    • School weekly
    • The Eighth
    • Other ( please state)

  1. Which of the following slogans would you prefer to see on the front cover of the magazine?
    • Too school for cool
    • History is no longer a mystery
    • Cool is school
    • Other (please state)

  1. Would you read the school magazine?
    • Yes
    • No( state why)

  1. Please tick four of the following stories you would like to read about in the school magazine?
·        Sporting success
·        Uniform
·        New buildings
·        Secrets about teachers
·        New term
·        Other(please state)

  1. Which images would you like to see on the cover of the school magazine?
·        Mixture of years
·        Teachers
·        Sixth formers

  1. What colours do you associate with King Henry? ( tick as many as you like)
·        Purple
·        Gold
·        Black
·        Green
·        Yellow
·        Red
·        Blue

  1. Who do you think the magazine should be aimed at?
·        Teachers
·        Pupils
·        Parents/Guardians
·        Public

  1. Would you pay 50p for a school magazine?

  • Yes
  • No(state why)

  1.  Would you buy the school magazine?
·        Yes
·        No(state why)

Questionnaire Review

I gave my questionnaire out to four year 12’s, one year 13 and two year 11’s.  I chose these years because this is the ages my magazine will be aimed at.  There were six different options for my question about which masthead should be used.  The three main ones that were ticked by pupils were, School News, The eighth and KHS.  KHS was voted four times, making it the favourite, so this will be used as the masthead on my magazine.  Up next was what slogan they would like to see on the school magazine one person voted for Cool is school and another History is no longer a mystery, but with five votes Too school for cool was the most chosen slogan picked by the pupils.  This will be a good slogan as it is very catchy.  Five people said they would read the school magazine, with only two saying they wouldn’t as they are not interested in magazines.  My next question was to pick four stories pupils would like to read about in the magazine.  The four main stories that were selected were, sporting success, new term, secrets about teachers and the new buildings.  These four will be included on the front of my magazine cover.  From the results most of the images will be a mixture of years, but mainly sixth form and year 11.  My next question asked who the magazine should be aimed at.  The results show that six people think it should be aimed at the pupils and one saying it should be aimed at parents/guardians.  I will be aiming my magazine at the pupils because there will be information about them in it, so it would interest them more.  My last but one question was asking if pupils would be willing to 50p for the magazine, five people said this would be ok, but two people said they wouldn’t because they are not interested in magazines and they can buy something else for 50p.  My last question was plain and simple, asking them would they buy the school magazine.  Five people said they would with the other two saying they wouldn’t, again saying it wouldn’t interest them as they don’t read magazines.