Friday 30 September 2011


  1. What year group are you in?

    • Year 7
    • Year 8
    • Year 9
    • Year 10
    • Year 11
    • Year 12
    • Year 13

  1. Which masthead (title) would you like to see on the magazine?

    • Cool School
    • KHS
    • School news
    • School weekly
    • The Eighth
    • Other ( please state)

  1. Which of the following slogans would you prefer to see on the front cover of the magazine?
    • Too school for cool
    • History is no longer a mystery
    • Cool is school
    • Other (please state)

  1. Would you read the school magazine?
    • Yes
    • No( state why)

  1. Please tick four of the following stories you would like to read about in the school magazine?
·        Sporting success
·        Uniform
·        New buildings
·        Secrets about teachers
·        New term
·        Other(please state)

  1. Which images would you like to see on the cover of the school magazine?
·        Mixture of years
·        Teachers
·        Sixth formers

  1. What colours do you associate with King Henry? ( tick as many as you like)
·        Purple
·        Gold
·        Black
·        Green
·        Yellow
·        Red
·        Blue

  1. Who do you think the magazine should be aimed at?
·        Teachers
·        Pupils
·        Parents/Guardians
·        Public

  1. Would you pay 50p for a school magazine?

  • Yes
  • No(state why)

  1.  Would you buy the school magazine?
·        Yes
·        No(state why)

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