Wednesday 30 November 2011

Reader profile

MALE: 75%



ABC1: 62%



Active music purchasers, particularly single tracks

Music completists must have live versions/ B sides


26 CD albums-£350 for every reader
                            Total readership-£11m

34 CD singles-£120 each reader
                        Total readership-£4m

55% buy most of their music from a major music chain

45% specialist record shop

25% online retailer

12 tracks downloaded in last month

16 albums burned to computer/mp3 player

30% own a minidisk player

20% own an ipod

80% own a CD player


90% go to gigs regularly

Average goes to 3 gigs per month

At least 1 festival per year

92% agree that “music” is important part of their lives

75% agree that they “like to listen to new bands”

Circulation: 60,100

READERSHIP: 210,000  

Saturday 26 November 2011

Questionnaire review

Altogether I asked four males and four females all from year 12 to fill in my questionnaire, because I would like both genders to read my magazine and my target audience is year 12 and above.  So that is the ages from 16-24.  My first question was what masthead you would like to see on the magazine, the choices were, Unplugged, Sabian, MSH (Music starts here), Sound track and Music beats.  Unplugged, Sound track, MSH and Music beats all got two votes with Sabain getting none.  I still haven’t decided what masthead I will use, but it will either be MSH or Music beats.  My next question was what style of music do you listen to, the choices were punk, indie, rock, heavy metal, emo, rap and pop.  Topping the votes with three votes was punk, I was happy with this because my magazine genre is punk and now I know there is people out there who would want to read my punk magazine.  I then asked what slogan they would like to see on the magazine, the choices were, Get connected with music, Music is your life, Music leads the way and when words fail, music speaks.  Get connected and When words fail music speaks were my favourite two. They were also the favourites of the people I asked with Get connected being voted for four times and When words fail with three votes.  It was a tough decision with which one to go for, but I ended up choosing Get connected with music.  I chose this because it’s short but very effective.  I then asked what the target audience should be and thankfully everyone chose 16-24.  This was good because that was the age I was going to target.  Next was what images they would like to see on the front cover.  The choices were bands, solo artists or both.  Just bands got three votes but the images they would like to see most on the cover would be both bands and solo artists.  I then asked what four stories they would like to read in the magazine, the four that were chosen were artists to look out for in the future, upcoming gigs, latest albums or singles and bands.  The colour’s I will use on my magazine cover will be mainly black as this wanted voted most and then with bits of red and white in as they were voted second highest.  I then asked how much they would be willing to pay for the magazine with most of the votes going for £1-£1.50.  For my last question I simply asked if they would buy the music magazine, and I’m pleased to say that all eight people I asked would buy my music magazine.

Rearch about my chosen genre

The genre I have chosen to do for my music magazine is punk.  I chose punk as I'm very interested in punk and I also like listening to punk music.  Punk was first developed between 1974 and 1976, in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia.  Punk bands usually create fast hard edged music, but most songs are usually short.  The typical instruments you would have in a punk band would be vocals, drums, electric guitar and a bass guitar.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

What you need to think about to create an effective main image for the music magazine

Here is a list of what I believe is needed to create a successful main image for my music magazine front cover:
  • Get the lightning correct
  • Size of image
  • How many people will be in the photo
  • Position where models will stand
  • Background
  • Location
  • Props
  • Composition
  • Camera angle
  • Shot distance
  • Time of shoot
  • Colour scheme
  • Hair
  • Make up
  • Genre of magazine
  • Representation gender,age, style etc
  • Setting, interior or exterior
  • costumes are more important than props
  • At least five photos

Sunday 20 November 2011

Music fan profile

Funky Punky

Age 16-24

What is he wearing?  Mainly dark clothing with skulls on.  Tops are dark with their own crazy designs on, you won't see those in your average topman!  Big black boots to stand out from the crowd!

Listening to?  Green day, Blink 182 for the youngsers and for the "older" generation bands like The clash, The Jam.  Many of the older generation trying to listen to contempoary music but can't deny their love for the classic bands!

Wants to be? Lead guitarist of famous punk band and friends with Paul Weller.

Find him? Punk gigs!

Friday 18 November 2011

Music magazine ideas

I also like this magazine cover as the main article stands out from the rest of the magazine.  Also i like the where the story lines have been dotted on the page as they are not covering the front cover.  I think the red and yellow work very well together to make the magazine stand out to customers.

Music magazine ideas

I like this music magazine front cover as it isnt crowed on the front and everything is very clear.  I also like the idea that they show who plays what as it shows three of the males with guitars and the singer and possibly the drummer on the end.  I also like the colour scheme as it isn't to bright it's just a nice colour.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Music magazine questionnaire

Music magazine questionnaire

1.       What year group are you in?
·        Year 7
·        Year 8
·        Year 9
·        Year 10
·        Year 11
·        Year 12
·        Year 13

2.       What masthead (title) would you like to see on the magazine?
·        Unplugged
·        Sabain
·        MSH( music starts here)
·        Sound track
·        Music beats

3.       What style of music do you listen to?
·        Punk
·        Rock
·        Heavy metal
·        Pop
·        Indie
·        Emo
·        Rap
·        Other(please state)

4.       What slogan would you like to see on the magazine?
·        Get connected with music
·        Music is your life
·        Music leads the way
·        When words fail, music speaks

5.       Who do you think the magazine should be aimed at?

·        16-24
·        24-32
·        32-40

6.       What images would you like to see on the front over?

·        Bands
·        Solo artists
·        Both
·        Other(please state)

7.       What stories would you like to read in the magazine( tick four)

·        Latest albums or single
·        Upcoming gigs
·        Bands
·        Solo artists
·        Artists to look out for in the future
·        Music competition

8.       What colours would you like to see on the magazine cover? (Tick 2-3)

·        Red
·        Black
·        Blue
·        Purple
·        Green
·        White
·        Orange

9.       How much would you pay for the magazine?

·        £1-1.50
·        £2-2.50
·        £3

10.   What gender are you?

·        Male
·        Female

11.   Would you buy the music magazine?

·        Yes
·        No( state why)