Saturday 26 November 2011

Questionnaire review

Altogether I asked four males and four females all from year 12 to fill in my questionnaire, because I would like both genders to read my magazine and my target audience is year 12 and above.  So that is the ages from 16-24.  My first question was what masthead you would like to see on the magazine, the choices were, Unplugged, Sabian, MSH (Music starts here), Sound track and Music beats.  Unplugged, Sound track, MSH and Music beats all got two votes with Sabain getting none.  I still haven’t decided what masthead I will use, but it will either be MSH or Music beats.  My next question was what style of music do you listen to, the choices were punk, indie, rock, heavy metal, emo, rap and pop.  Topping the votes with three votes was punk, I was happy with this because my magazine genre is punk and now I know there is people out there who would want to read my punk magazine.  I then asked what slogan they would like to see on the magazine, the choices were, Get connected with music, Music is your life, Music leads the way and when words fail, music speaks.  Get connected and When words fail music speaks were my favourite two. They were also the favourites of the people I asked with Get connected being voted for four times and When words fail with three votes.  It was a tough decision with which one to go for, but I ended up choosing Get connected with music.  I chose this because it’s short but very effective.  I then asked what the target audience should be and thankfully everyone chose 16-24.  This was good because that was the age I was going to target.  Next was what images they would like to see on the front cover.  The choices were bands, solo artists or both.  Just bands got three votes but the images they would like to see most on the cover would be both bands and solo artists.  I then asked what four stories they would like to read in the magazine, the four that were chosen were artists to look out for in the future, upcoming gigs, latest albums or singles and bands.  The colour’s I will use on my magazine cover will be mainly black as this wanted voted most and then with bits of red and white in as they were voted second highest.  I then asked how much they would be willing to pay for the magazine with most of the votes going for £1-£1.50.  For my last question I simply asked if they would buy the music magazine, and I’m pleased to say that all eight people I asked would buy my music magazine.

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